- When a player is listed in yellow, it indicates he is currently on your shortlist. 当球员名字在球员搜索界面中以黄色显示,代表其在你的候选名单中。
- When a player is listed in light blue, it indicates he is currently on loan at a club. 当球员名字在球员搜索界面中以浅蓝色显示,代表该队员正在被租借中。
- He is currently being held on remand. 他正被还押候审。
- He is currently engaged in dialect research. 他目前从事于方言的研究。
- He is currently engaged as a consultant. 他现在受雇为顾问。
- He is currently a senior teacher of English. 现在是一名资深英语教师。
- He is currently appearing at the National Theatre. 他日前正在国家剧院演出。
- He is currently taking medication for his heart. (他近来在服用心脏药物)。
- He is currently writing a breed book. 他最近正在撰写一本犬种专书。
- He is currently Chief Scientist with NIIT. 现在他是NIIT首席科学家。
- He is currently the Resident Artist of CCDC. 邢亮现为香港城市当代舞团驻团艺术家。
- He is currently director of the HKU Centenary History Project. 目前是香港大学百年校史项目的负责人。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- He is very skilled at pivoting on his heel. 他能非常熟练地以脚跟旋转。
- The Fiery Residence is the first work in Guo's desert trilogy. He is currently working on the second. 《火宅》是《荒漠三部曲》的第一部,他正在写第二部。
- He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。
- He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices. 他被控营私舞弊,正在受审。
- He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- Bill has a feeling he is on a fast track. 比尔感觉到他正快速迈向成功。